Get rid of joint pain without the doctor visit

A natural, on demand option for pain relief that doesn't involve waiting rooms, white coats, or pills.

Start Your Journey to Pain-Free Living -

Download Now for a 7-Day Free Trial!

Click link above to download now

Get rid of joint pain without the doctor visit

A natural, on demand option for pain relief that doesn't involve waiting rooms, white coats, or pills.

Start Your Journey to Pain-Free Living -

Download Now for a 7-Day Free Trial!

Click link above to download now

Get rid of joint pain without the doctor visit

A natural, on demand option for pain relief that doesn't involve waiting rooms, white coats, or pills.

Start Your Journey to

Pain-Free Living -

Download Now for a

7-Day Free Trial!

Click link above to download now

Transform Your Life:

From Joint Pain to Joyful Movement

with ReliefApp

We all experience pain and injury in life. It's a natural part of being human. But remember, you're not alone in this journey. We understand that the road to recovery can sometimes feel slow and frustrating. That's why ReliefApp was designed with your well-being in mind. We believe that with a little guidance and support, we can help you find relief from the movement pains and discomfort, and get back to living your best life.

Let us be your companion on this path towards optimal movement.

Simplicity + Accountability = Success

Elaborate, science-based programs made simple…

Elaborate, science-based programs made simple…

Experience ReliefApp's personalized exercises for pain relief and mobility. Embrace life to the fullest, free from discomfort, and get back to what you love today!

Experience ReliefApp's personalized programs for pain relief and mobility. Embrace life to the fullest, free from discomfort, and get back to what you love today!

Personalized Relief Programs

Personalized Relief Programs

In Just One Session, ReliefApp Tailors a Pain Relief Program That Feels Made Just for You.

In Just One Session, ReliefApp Tailors a Pain Relief Program That Feels Made Just for You.

Pain Management and Relief:

Pain Management and Relief:

ReliefApp provides a variety of exercises and techniques to alleviate muscle and joint discomfort, supporting users in managing and reducing pain effectively.

ReliefApp provides a variety of exercises and techniques to alleviate muscle and joint discomfort, supporting users in managing and reducing pain effectively.

Mobility Restoration

Mobility Restoration

ReliefApp Programs focus on improving mobility and stability of your joints, aiding users in regaining range of motion, proper function, and overall confidence in their movement.

ReliefApp Programs focus on improving mobility and stability of your joints, aiding users in regaining range of motion, proper function, and overall confidence in their movement.

Tracking and Progress Monitoring

Tracking and Progress Monitoring

Users can track their exercise routines and monitor their progress over time, allowing them to see improvements and stay motivated on their pain relief journey.

Users can track their exercise routines and monitor their progress over time, allowing them to see improvements and stay motivated on their pain relief journey.

User-Friendly Interface

User-Friendly Interface

ReliefApp is designed with an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to access and utilize its functionalities seamlessly.

ReliefApp is designed with an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to access and utilize its functionalities seamlessly.

Fill out a simple questionnaire

You don't have to know exactly what problem is causing your joint or muscle pain. That's our job. Fill out a series of questions that your grandma would be able to answer.

Complete some movements

Go through a couple exercises, answer a few questions, and our app will generate the most efficient and effective protocol specifically for you.

Get your skis out of storage

With some consistency, your pain should be gone, and the issue that caused the pain should be taken care of as well. Lace up your hiking boots, or step into that wakeboard, 'cause it's go time.

  • Fill out a simple questionnaire

    You don't have to know exactly what problem is causing your joint or muscle pain. That's our job. Fill out a series of questions that your grandma would be able to answer.

    Learn more

  • Complete some movements

    Go through a couple exercises, answer a few questions, and our app will generate the most efficient and effective protocol specifically for you.

    Sign up today!

    Learn more

  • Get your skis out of storage

    With some consistency, your pain should be gone, and the issue that caused the pain should be taken care of as well. Lace up your hiking boots, or step into that wakeboard, 'cause it's go time.

    Learn more

unlock a pain-free future today!

Real Stories from Pain-Free Users

Real Stories from Pain-Free Users

Relief is a game-changer! Personalized exercises helped manage my chronic pain. Thank you, Relief!

Viola Manisa

Verified customer

Regained flexibility with Relief after a sports injury. Highly recommend for muscle and joint pain.

Bryan Arnold

Verified customer

Simple solution for muscle tension. Progress tracking keeps me motivated. Finally, relief from aches!

Joshua William

Verified customer

Arthritis pain managed with Relief's targeted exercises. Improved mobility, less medication. Thank you!

George Scott

Verified customer

  • Arthritis pain managed with Relief's targeted exercises. Improved mobility, less medication. Thank you!

    George Scott

    Verified customer

  • Simple solution for muscle tension. Progress tracking keeps me motivated. Finally, relief from aches!

    Joshua William

    Verified customer

  • Regained flexibility with Relief after a sports injury. Highly recommend for muscle and joint pain.

    Bryan Arnold

    Verified customer

  • Relief is a game-changer! Personalized exercises helped manage my chronic pain. Thank you, Relief!

    Viola Manisa

    Verified customer

Don't Wait for Relief.

Download ReliefApp Today

and Start Your 7-Day Free Trial Now!

Get your confidence back in your movement, and get back to what you love doing. try relief app today!




Is ReliefApp Compatible with my device?

ReliefApp is compatible with almost all Android and Iphone phones and tablets.

How much does ReliefApp cost?

Downloading ReliefApp is free, and it comes with a 7-day free trial.

Are there any in-app purchases or subscriptions?

Once the 7-day free trial is over, you can access programs in ReliefApp. To access the ability to customize programs and save exercises, you would need to subscribe for either a monthly or yearly membership

Does ReliefApp offer personalized workout programs?

Yes. As you complete new programs, the app automatically picks the best exercises for you to continue doing and packages them in a customized program in your 'My Programs' section of the app.

Can I track my progress on the app?

Currently you can track your before and after pain score when you complete a new program. As we continue to develop and improve ReliefApp, there will be more trackable metrics and features to enjoy!

Does the app integrate with other fitness tracking devices or apps?

ReliefApp currently does not communicate with other fitness tracking devices or apps.

Are ther any workout videos or tutorials available?

Yes! ReliefApp has videos for every exercise providing specialized instruction on how to perform the movement.

Is there a community or social aspect within the app?

We are still developing the community features of ReliefApp. Stay tuned!

Is there customer support available if I have questions or issues?

Yes! You can submit feedback in the app, or you can reach out to if you have any questions or feedback.

Can users customize their own workout plans in the app?

Yes! There are 2 ways. First is to complete a new program and answer the questions. This will generate a custom program for you. We are also adding a feature where you can 'like' certain movements and access them quickly from a 'liked movements' section in the app. This feature will be available very soon.

Download ReliefApp Today

Download ReliefApp Today

Download ReliefApp Today